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Analysing the posture of a person may represent common language for medical disciplines, because in this case the person is examined in overall terms

This diagnostic process may therefore be added to by this approach, always with a view to better defining a prevention or cure programme, possibly also by means of multi-disciplinary treatment.

One keyword is “Lifestyle” that in today's world is characterised by more sedentary activity, bad habits and a lack of physical exercise,resulting in greater social costs.

Observing incorrect postural behaviour may, therefore, provide confirmation and act as an incentive for developing prevention strategies from the early developmental age groups.


Posture analysis

GPS Postural labs - Introduction - Modularity - Main parts - System requirements - Complementary services - The different models - GPS software - Static posture assessment - Stabilometric analysis - GPS Postural Labs technical data - Podoscope models - Podoscopes - Podoscopes with GPS software - D’Osualdo set - For analysis of the back - For analysis of lower limbs - For postural assessments - Scales and x-ray viewers - GPS ACADEMY - Education program - GPS Therapeutic Pathways

Brochure, Ed. April 2024, English. 60 pages.

Document date: 01/04/2024
PDF 3.31 MB


Foot Analysis

Video courses

The GPS Academy has now become an international network through which we endeavour to educate by means of workshops, seminars, conferences, in-company customized training and consultancy, and online media.

GPS Academy® - More information, better Rehabilitation
For research, innovation and training in posture analysis and therapeutic-rehabilitation pathways.

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