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The SINTHESI line comprises couches for physical therapy that also allow for a wide range of mobility and muscular lengthening exercises, as well as for overall posture re-education treatments.  A specific characteristic of these couches is the double motorisation, that is adjustment of the torso section fully assisted by an electric actuator, which excludes any effort on the part of the therapist during the relevant movements.


Our Sinthesi couches allow therapists to effortlessly place patients in countless myofascial stretching postures that can be easily maintained for longer periods of time and without strain. In this relaxed position, various techniques can be applied to facilitate recovery in myofascial elongation, increase joint movement range and achieve an antalgic posture as a relief from acute pain. Also, Sinthesi tables provide the ideal starting position for exercises to stimulate central activation and for isometric muscular work.



Healthy Posture for Healthy Movement conveys Chinesport’s dedication to rehabilitation. Our goal is to offer solutions that are more efficient, effective and provide long-lasting results. We know that healthy posture is an essential foundation for healthy movement.

That is why our Global Posture Systems, GPS Pathways for Rehabilitation concept includes everything needed for posture-centred rehabilitation. We integrated top-of-the-line products into a single package; a “one-stop-shop” for the modern therapist. At the center lies a thorough GPS Postural Labs posture analysis. This forms the basis for choosing a GPS Therapeutic Pathway.

The Mi.To/Sinthesi pathway focuses on autogenic relaxation, breathing techniques, myofascial release and stretching, and various exercise modalities.

Using TCare, capacitive and resistive energy transfer technology, we control pain and stimulate cell regeneration.

A third pathway -  the Archimedes Pulley System with BlueCord Exercise System - limitless kinesiotherapy options using suspension and sling exercises techniques.

Lastly, healthy movement and posture patterns are integrated in every day living activities using a variety of Chinesport’s proprioceptive and integrative exercise tools.


A guide to Global Posture Systems exercises and myofascial release and lengthening

This handbook covers the use of Mi.To/Sinthesi therapeutic tables within the context of Healthy Posture for Healthy Movement. There is more to Mi.To/Sinthesi than meets the eye. Myofascial release and stretching may be evident, but the Mi.To/Sinthesi therapeutic table can also be used in postural awareness training, respiratory reeducation, spinal mobilisations, muscle strengthening and much more...

Many years of experience and know-how of impassioned Mi.To/Sinthesi users has been poured into this handbook. We are sure you well enjoy its content as much as other education programs and materials in Chinesport’s Healthy Posture for Healthy Movement educational program.

Mi.To. therapeutic table - A guide to Global Posture Systems exercises. Printed in February 2019; 144 pages; English 2nd edition; Stef Harley.

You can order the handbook with code 02160. For more information take a look to the specific presentation at our online library section.


Sinthesi series™ therapeutic table

Testimonials - The configuration options - Technical features - The handbook - Foundation course

Brochure, Ed. Nov. 2019, English. 8 pages.

Document date: 01/11/2019
PDF 956.43 KB

Gps therapeutic pathways

The One-Stop Physical Therapy Solution

Creating Healthy Posture for Healthy Movement

  • A novel, state-of-the-art, posture-centered approach.
  • Effectively and efficiently treat musculoskeletal pain, injuries and disorders.
  • Unites Chinesport’s top-of-the-line therapeutic and diagnostic technologies.
  • An affordable, easy-to-use and original package.
  • Provides unique therapeutic and competitive advantages.

Brochure, Ed. Dec. 2023, English. 6 pages.

Document date: 01/12/2023
PDF 559.02 KB

Upholstery colours range - giotto collection

Giotto is the flame retardant fabric made for residential and contract upholstery. Its resistant structure and the easy cleaning make Giotto particularly suitable for nursing homes, spas, beauty salons and gyms. Giotto has a leather-effect surface with a brilliant finishing, in a wide range of colours all available on stock. Giotto contains Vinyzene, an anti-microbial agent added in the first steps of production process. This creates a defensive barrier against mites, bacteria and fungus, avoiding smells and allergies.

21 upholstery colour options.

Document date: 22/07/2024
PDF 597.49 KB


Mi.TO Therapeutic Table - Neurodynamic Mobilisation
Mi.TO Therapeutic Table - Spinal Mobilisation in Sidelying
Mi.TO Therapeutic Table - Active Recovery Position

Other videos

Mi.TO Therapeutic Table - Mi.TO Handbook
Mi.TO Therapeutic Table - Mi.TO is a therapeutic table

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