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Who can use the Toiletseat?
Those with:

  • good manual dexterity in both hands/arms
  • reasonably good upper body mobility
  • good driving skills with Struzzo
  • being used to living independant
  • having space in the bathroom for manouvering with Struzzo and no thresholds to take.

Who will have difficulty in using the Tseat?

  • people with severe abduction spasmes in the knees 


  • it safes time and energy to reduce the transfers that otherwise need to be made for using toilet with Struzzo
  • it greatly enhances a persons independance in a very private setting like toileting.
  • there is no need to wait for assistance of another person or carer, reducing stress and discomfort
  • the struzzo and seat can be taken anywhere, like in adapted vans, so clients have freedom to use the seat also during traveling. One needs to bring along either small chemical toilet or bucket similar in use on showerchairs.
  1. Take out the longseat or shortseat.
  2. Place the docking construction in the Struzzo.
  3. Place on top of the docking the toiletseat.


Step 1
Approach the Struzzo as usual, having the seat in a horizontal position at the height of the wheelchair seating position.

Step 2
Bring the knees in a wider position, if needed, also put both feet in a wider position on the floor or on the frame of the Struzzo. Place the toiletseat about 10-20 cm underneath your upperlegs whilst sitting in the wheelchair.

Step 3
Lean forward to grab the side handles or the handgrips on the tabletop. Move forward  onto the toilet seat, by pulling or sliding or wriggling. Place the feet behind the heelcups. Make sure the kneesupports are in a supportive position. 

Step 4
Bring the seat with help of the remote control to a standing position. Slightly adjusting your body position, whilst this movement takes place, may be needed. If you can stand up straight, you may do this all the way. If you want to use the seat in half-standing postion, is also possible.

Step 5
For lowering the clothes: lower the Tseat a little bit, and lean forward to the frontal support. There should be  space of some centimeters now, to lower the clothes (trousers, underwear). Don’t lower the clothes to the knees but keep them at the top of the upperlegs. (don’t lower a dress or skirt, but is better pulled up).

Step 6
When you are undressed, lower the toiletseat OVER the toilet to the horizontal position. There is space on the toiletseat to move forward or backwards a little bit, in case one needs to make procedures like cleaning, bringing in catheter or bowel drainage.

Step 7
Having finished the procedure, bring yourself to the standing position again, bring the clothes back up whilst standing. Lean forward to create some space to pull up underwear and trouser and drive to your wheelchair or other place where you want to go by Struzzo.





Weight, size and volume

Weight, size and volume (+/- 10%)
N° Package Package type Dimension Weight Volume
1 SCATOLA cm 51 x 24 x 36 h kg 4 mc 0.044064


Toilet Seat
Easy UP series to assist you further in achieving the standing posture

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