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PLUS LINE: The standing aids from the EASY UP Series help seek the upright position actively, as they have a support structure that accompanies the user throughout the standing sequence. Standing up becomes a lot easier for users with poor motor control.
The tray, trunk support and side handles help the user throughout the standing sequence. The EASY UP support elements move parallel to the plane while the person comes to standing.
The support structure adapts to the user’s height easily and with no effort as it is operated electrically or by gas strut. This adjustment can also be made by the user in a quick and easy way and with no need for external help even when they are already standing. The knee, lateral and trunk supports are adjusted accordingly, for greater safety and comfort of the user.
“Traditional standing devices with slings apply a compression force on the femur axis at the beginning of the lift maneuver: this means that knees and hips are loaded while they are flexing, i.e. in a position that is not ideal for the load. That is why applying a load is unsuitable or even dangerous for people with osteoarthritis of the knees and hips, those with consequences of a hip fracture, those with severe femoral osteoporosis and those who have undergone replacement hip operations (sometimes prone to dislocation). The standing aid with seat completely removes this compression force and is therefore particularly safe and comfortable.”
Dr. Paolo Rispoli - Physiatrist in Venice
Excerpt from report - Italy 2010
When the person is in a sitting position, the seat can approach and align perfectly horizontally when pushed by the assistent if the version is not motorized. Consequently, the person is facilitated in the transfer on the device when the seat is aligned to the starting seat. Our standing devices can be meant as "sit-to-stand" lifters to also transferring of the person in sitting or intermediate position.
This type of knee support comes from a real cast plaster of a user. He was feeling pain at this level with other type of support; this spurred the design of a different, more anatomical solution.
These partially enveloping anatomical supports invite to aclear sub-patellar positioning. They leave complete freedom of movement at the knee joint during all the phases of verticalization in an upright posture.
In case of pain on contact, even for a possible subsequent worsening due to swelling in the legs, these anatomical supports can be replaced with softer ones, or already be expected in the initial product configuration.
Our stabilizers are characterized from a central block below the service tray that allows, first of all, the application of the side handles.
All our standing models have handles adjustable in width, and this feature also offers the opportunity to better stabilize the user at the pelvis level. In this case, soft supports can also be applied to the handles for a more comfortable contact with the user. To this is added, finally, also the possible rotation of 180° with inversion of position of the handles to offer a stabilization of the user at the upper level of the trunk. This can be an advantage especially for people who are 190 ÷ 200 cm tall.
Introduction - Configured models - Struzzo™, for independent life - Easy UP, with dynamic upper frame - Stand UP, for different assistive needs - Configuration options - Foot plates - Knee supports - Lifting support - Handles - Service tray - Accessories - For the lower limbs - For the upper body - To move Struzzo™ away - Adjustments and technical data - Appendixes - Therapeutic indications - The origins - What our expert says - Some testimonials
Brochure, Ed. April 2024, English. 72 pages.
Camillas de terapia - Equipos electromédicos - Ejercicios activos - Camillas estáticas - Paralelas y escaleras para rehabilitación - Andadores - Cintas de correr - Tracciones - Gimnasia médica y postural - Hidroterapia - Análisis postural - Sistemas de elevación - Soluciones de higiene - Sillones elevadores - Traslado de pacientes
Folleto Chinesport, Edición Diciembre 2022.
Idioma español, 72 páginas.