4 elements with graduated scale +/- 90 degrees supplied with magnets for quick application and take away to the various adjustable segments of a therapy table. So they enables the therapist a tilt control of the segments to get a specific patient posture on the table, and also to make possible an eventual progressive posture exercise.
The goniometers are very helpful during treatments to record in which range of motion we are performing mobilisations and to determine how much progress we are making with a patient. It is also easier and more accurate to communicate to other therapists at what angles you have been using the Mi.To/Sinthesi therapeutic table with a certain patient.
One of the most important functions of the spine is transmitting loads and forces from one extremity through the body to another. This ensures our movements are highly coordinated, efficient and can overcome high loads without injuring ourselves. Upper and lower limb movements, as well as breathing, therefore affect the spine’s position and posture.
The sequence of Mi.To/Sinthesi table posture described in this section challenges the patient to become aware of what happens to the spine when either the upper or lower limbs are actively moved, and how breathing can change spine posture. We recommend taking the patient through these posture in a flowing sequence. Stop the sequence in the postures just long enough for the patient to register and provide feedback of what is happening to the spine.
The Mi.To./Sinthesi goniometer accessory can be very useful in this process, because it allows the therapist to exactly record when and during which segment of range of motion a particular symptom or sign appears or disappears. Developing a deeper understanding of how signs and symptoms can be influenced can help break the triad of biopsychosocial influences that often accompany spine pain and disorders.
N° Package | Package type | Dimension | Weight | Volume |
1 | SCATOLA | cm 30 x 20 x 14 h | kg 0.6 | mc 0.0084 |