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Bouncing trampolines


Fitness trampolines useful for the execution of various exercises for the lower limbs.

Trampoline workouts allow aerobic exercises suitable for the development of legs and thighs and allow to train balance and strength without excessive stress on the joints.



It is known that bouncing on a trampoline:

01. It increases the capacity for breathing
02. It circulates more oxygen to the tissues
03. It establishes a better relationship between oxygen needed by the tissues and the one available
04. Muscles work better as fluids are transported along the body decreasing the work of the heart
05. Diminishes the blood pressure during effort
06. It helps normalize the blood pressure after intense physical activity
07. It helps prevent cardiovascular disease
08. It increases the activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells
09. It aids lymphatic circulation, as well as blood flow in the veins of the circulatory system
10. It aids collateral blood flow in general.
11. Strengthens the heart and other muscles making them work more efficiently
12. It lowers heart rate at ease
13. It lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels
14. Stimulates your metabolism
15. It aids in the development and repairing of cells
16. It activates the gland system, especially tyroid
17. It increases alcaline reserves of the body
18. It stimulates and strengthens cells in the body, from a chemical point of view
19. It increases body resistance and fitness
20. It improves the sense of balance by coordinating impulses and muscle response
21. It offers relief from neck and back pains, headaches, and other pain caused by lack of exercise
22. Improves digestion
23. It helps relaxing and have a better sleep
24. Reduces the likelihood of obesity



Different density pads - Introduction - The set - Airex pads - Modules & sensory bags - Proprioceptive boards - Padded boards - Wooden boards - Other exercise boards - Movin’step - Bouncing trampolines - Padded cushions - Discosit & other inflatable tools - To improve sitting posture - Posture mirrors

Brochure, Ed. April 2024, English. 28 pages.

Document date: 01/04/2024
PDF 2.17 MB

Medical and postural gym

Wall bars - Benches - Posture mirrors - Mats - Airex mats - MDF and foldable mats - Coloured mats - Cushions - Coloured cushions - Special cushions - Balls - Large balls - Training balls - Proprioceptive devices - Devices - Low-impact exercises - Psychomotor tools - Bands and tubes - Weights - Trampolines

Brochure, Ed. April 2024, English. 40 pages.

Document date: 01/04/2024
PDF 3.35 MB


Fitball Junior - balance exercices

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